I'm using m4
to replace some macros with colors/etc defined in included files in my i3wm
config file.
$ m4 -I themes/gruvbox-dark config.m4 > config
This is (an excerpt of) my directory structure for the above command.
$ tree .
├── config.m4
├── font.m4
├── themes
│ ├── gruvbox-dark
│ │ ├── color.m4
│ │ └── i3.m4
└── Xresources.m4
I have macros defined such as:
and in the output of m4
I still see unexpanded macros, such as:
client.focused #3c3836 M4_I3_BG M4_I3_ACTIVE_FG M4_I3_BG M4_I3_BG
client.focused_inactive #3c3836 M4_I3_BG M4_COLOR_FG M4_I3_BG M4_I3_BG
client.unfocused #3c3836 M4_I3_BG M4_COLOR_FG M4_I3_BG M4_I3_BG
client.urgent #fb4934 M4_I3_BG M4_COLOR_9 M4_COLOR_9 M4_I3_BG
client.placeholder #3c3836 M4_I3_BG M4_COLOR_FG M4_I3_BG M4_I3_BG
client.background #282828
The first macro was expanded, but the remaining ones on the line are left unexpanded. Here are the same lines in the input .m4 file:
client.focused M4_I3_BG M4_I3_BG M4_I3_ACTIVE_FG M4_I3_BG M4_I3_BG
client.focused_inactive M4_I3_BG M4_I3_BG M4_COLOR_FG M4_I3_BG M4_I3_BG
client.unfocused M4_I3_BG M4_I3_BG M4_COLOR_FG M4_I3_BG M4_I3_BG
client.urgent M4_COLOR_9 M4_I3_BG M4_COLOR_9 M4_COLOR_9 M4_I3_BG
client.placeholder M4_I3_BG M4_I3_BG M4_COLOR_FG M4_I3_BG M4_I3_BG
client.background M4_COLOR_BG
When I try to make some MWEs, it always works... not sure what the problem is with these specific files/macros.
All the files are under: https://github.com/tomocafe/dotfiles/tree/master/i3/.i3
I have tried this at work and at home, my home computer is Solus (Linux).
$ m4 --version | head -1
m4 (GNU M4) 1.4.18
It's very simple: if you want expand the M4_COLOR_3 M4_COLOR_3
replace the first M4_COLOR_3
to #colorcode
doesn't expand the next M4_COLOR_3
because the (expanded) #
means comment.You've the solution:
.The first: changecom(XXX)
will change the comment begin mark (only in m4
of course) to XXX
and the end will the newline. The changecom()' will disable the comments (so everything will parsed by
The second: