I'm new to Docker. I get a connecting error when trying to setup Docker in PyCharm Professional edition.
I have followed this official manual and turn on the checkbox(Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS) But it still not work.
Cannot connect: io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: no further information: localhost/127.O.O.1:2375 caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information
I have accidentally connected docker one time.But when i restart my computer i cannot connect docker anymore.
Any further help would be gratefully appreciated.
If you are facing connection refused
then there may be a chance that there is no server to respond to your request.
So first check whether docker server is listening on 2375
netstat -anp tcp | findstr 2375
Or, use tcpview for GUI.
If docker is not listening on this port, then check your C:\ProgramData\Docker\config\daemon.json
file and verify whether you have the below Key value pair in your JSON.
"hosts": ["tcp://"]
If it is not there, then add this and restart your docker daemon.
If you are behind a proxy, then make sure to add this in no-proxy
, so that your requests will not be routed via a proxy server.
NOTE: I don't have any experience with docker on windows