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Why SAP Business One SDK uses double for money?

I always read that I should use decimal or similar for money and financial calculations (example). However as much I can see, all of the Business One SDK uses doubles? Is this okay? Am I expected to convert the double values to decimals every time I am doing calculations, than back to double If I want to set it for an API object (what I do currently)?

enter image description here

Note: The SQL database uses numeric(19,6) for these values.


  • Despite what it might look like in Visual Studio, the SAP SDK isn't really a .Net-native library - it's a .Net wrapper over a C/C++ dll using COM Interop.

    I don't think that decimal is a native type in C/C++, and it's certainly not a basic/intrinsic type in .Net (unlike e.g. string, int, double, etc) - it's also slower to use because there's no intrinsic CPU instructions for Decimal operations (unlike the basic types).

    Because there's no equivalent in C/C++, it would have to be translated to a type that can be understood by the underlying library - and that type would likely be double anyway.