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How to get data directly from XBee iolines

Hi I have XBee RF mode S2C which does not have internal storage to run micropython. So I need to get data from KY-001 sensor connected its iolines. With python library I didnt get anything just get_adc_value(ioline) function which seems doesnt do anything. I need to check sensor in local device for now .After I gonna use same solve to remote devices (I only use Python XBee library). Or exactly can I use Xbee iolines directly to get data from sensor without external MCU?


  • I don't think you'll be able to interface to this 1-Wire sensor, it's intended for a microprocessor that can handle timing requirements and uses a tristate I/O line (IIRC).

    You should be looking at temperature sensors with an analog voltage output (like this TMP36) that you can tie to one of the analog inputs of the XBee, and then read that input with a remote ATIS for a single sample or ATIR for periodic sampling.