I am having multiple problems with a 2D List of Points. The Points are the To and From Points of a series of lines.
First, this code snippet is from the declaration of the List. It is part of larger class called TacLineStruct:
// The actual MST Spine
public List <Point> [,] MSTSpine
public TacLineStruct(int arrayLength)
GroupID = new int[arrayLength];
this.EdgeList = new int[(arrayLength * arrayLength), 2];
EdgeWeight = new float[arrayLength * arrayLength];
GroupCenter = new Point[arrayLength];
this.MSTSpine = new List<Point>[arrayLength,2];
Next, these assignments cause a runtime error:
Point tPoint1 = new Point((int)Army[TLS.EdgeList[i, 0]].Location.X, (int)Army[TLS.EdgeList[i, 0]].Location.Y);
Point tPoint2 = new Point((int)Army[TLS.EdgeList[i, 1]].Location.X, (int)Army[TLS.EdgeList[i, 1]].Location.Y);
Lastly, how do you find the Count for the List? This doesn't work:
for(int i = 0; i < TLS.MSTSpine[0,0].Count(); i++)
I posted a question earlier asking for the correct way to declare, instantiate, and reference a List of matched Points but was immediately downvoted. I've looked all over and have yet to find this problem covered either on StackOverflow or in any of my manuals.
It would make things easier if you declared a Line
public struct Line
public Line(Point start, Point end)
Start = start;
End = end;
public Point Start { get; }
public Point End { get; }
public override string ToString()
return String.Format($"({Start.X}, {Start.Y}) - ({End.X}, {End.Y})");
Now the list of lines can be declared as
public List<Line> MSTSpine { get; } = new List<Line>();
and be used like this
var p1 = new Point(1, 2);
var p2 = new Point(3, 4);
var line = new Line(p1, p2);
Console.WriteLine(MSTSpine[0]); // Prints: (1, 2) - (3, 4)
I saw that you also declared a EdgeWeight
array. Instead I would add the weight a property to the Line