I am trying to create a map with dynamic information for all map markers. For example Map with markers for restaurants in an area that displays Name, Pic & other information relevant to that restaurant.
Problem: How do I pass a dynamic string value from Python to HTML for each marker in a map.
I am able to link pictures with each marker correctly but not able to link text fields like Names etc. It doesn't matter if I put html inside or out of for loop it always gives me wrong static value.
P.S - I am new to programming
# creating map layout, center point & view
m_sat = folium.Map(location=[28.595793, 77.414752], zoom_start=13, tiles='https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}', attr='Created by') # added Esri_WorldImagery
html = '''<img ALIGN="Right" src="data:image/png;base64,{}">\
<h1>Name: </h1>{{ var_pass }}<br />\
<h2>Location: </h2>Noida<br />'''.format
# creating for loop below for dynamic content
for plot_numb in range(address.shape[0]):
picture = base64.b64encode(open(str(plot_numb+1)+'.png','rb').read()).decode()
iframe = IFrame(html(picture), width=300+200, height=300+20)
popup = folium.Popup(iframe, max_width=650)
icon = folium.Icon(color="white", icon="cloud", icon_color='black')
tooltip = 'Click to view more about: '+address.iloc[plot_numb,0]
var_pass = address.iloc[plot_numb,0]
marker = folium.Marker(location=address.iloc[plot_numb,1],
popup=popup, tooltip=tooltip, icon=icon).add_to(m_sat)
I should be able to display Relevant name information for each marker on the map.
Attaching an end result picture of issues:
Example of "address" DataFrame:
Name Location
0 Farzi Cafe [28.562, 77.387]
1 Skylounge [28.562, 77.387]
2 Tamasha Cafe [28.562, 77.387]
3 Starbucks [28.565, 77.449]
4 Pizza Hut [28.620, 77.425]
Try this:
var_name = 'restaurant_name'
var_loc = 'restaurant_location'
# var_picture = <base64 image data>
html = f'''<img ALIGN="Right" src="data:image/png;base64,{var_picture}">\
<h1>Name: </h1>{var_name}<br />\
<h2>Location: </h2>{var_loc}<br />\
## '<img ALIGN="Right" src="data:image/png;base64,{}"><h1>Name: </h1>restaurant_name<br /><h2>Location: </h2>restaurant_location<br />'
Now, loop over your data frame for all the names and locations.