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How to pass parameters in request while routing (Server Side Swift using Vapor)

I'm writing a web service using Vapor framework in Swift.

In my app, I have User model. The following is how I route a get request for all users.

router.get("users") { request in
    return User.query(on: request).all()

After running the server locally, to get the users, I can make a request like localhost:8080/users

Now, I want to add parameter to the request to get users above the given age. The request will look like localhost:8080/users?above_age=25

How to add the parameter in the request using the Vapor framework? I tried with the available docs but I can't figure it.

Since I am now starting with Server Side Swift using Vapor, any reference to resources using Vapor 3 will also be of help for other issues I might face. Thanks!


  • The query string parameters will be in the query container and hence they can accessed like below.

    router.get("users") { request -> Future<[User]> in
        if let minimumAge = request.query[Int.self, at: "above_age"] {
            return User.query(on: request).filter(\.age > minimumAge).all()
        return User.query(on: request).all()

    If the request has above_age as a query param, the router will return list of users above that age else it will return all users.