I have the following tables:
create table Players (
id integer,
name varchar(50) not null,
birthday date,
memberOf integer not null,
position varchar(20).
primary key (id),
foreign key (memberOf) references Teams(id)
create table Goals (
id integer,
scoredIn integer not null,
scoredBy integer not null,
timeScored integer not null,
rating varchar(20),
primary key (id),
foreign key (scoredIn) references Matches(id),
foreign key (scoredBy) references Players(id)
create table Teams (
id integer,
country varchar(50) not null,
primary key (id)
I have the following data in the above tables:
id | name | birthday | memberof | position
7 Mina 1997-01-20 1 Captain
9 John 1997-09-01 1 Quarterback
2 Minnie 1995-10-13 3 Goalkeeper
13 Lisa 1997-03-27 4 Captain
12 Rina 1995-01-03 2 Fullback
11 Jasper 2002-09-22 1 Halfback
17 Rose 1997-02-11 1 Goalkeeper
22 Parvin 1993-03-09 3 Goalkeeper
25 Nasom 1996-12-29 3 Fullback
id | scoredin | scoredby | timescored | rating
1 10 7 60 amazing
2 10 7 30 okay
3 10 7 90 amazing
4 20 9 119 nice
5 20 9 80 amazing
6 20 9 75 amazing
7 30 2 30 nice
8 30 2 90 amazing
9 40 13 110 amazing
id | country
1 Australia
2 Malaysia
3 Japan
4 Thailand
I am trying to output the country name of the team which has the most players who have never scored a goal. The output should be:
Country | Players
Australia 2
Japan 2
I have the following view, which gives the count of players who have never scored a goal for each country:
create or replace view zerogoals as
select t.country, count(*)
from (
select distinct p.id, p.name, p.memberof, g.scoredby
from players p
full outer join goals g
on p.id = g.scoredby where scoredby is null
) s
inner join teams t on t.id = s.memberof group by t.country;
The above query gives me the following output:
country | count
Australia 2
Japan 2
Malaysia 1
I tried using the max function to get the desired output:
select country, max(count)
from zerogoals
group by country;
However I get the following output:
country | max
Australia 2
Japan 2
Malaysia 1
I am not sure how to get the tuples in the view zerogoals with the maximum value for the attribute count. Any insights are appreciated.
You can use a CTE:
with cte as (
t.id, t.country, count(*) players
from teams t inner join (
select * from players
where id not in (select scoredby from goals)
) p on p.memberOf = t.id
group by t.id, t.country
select country, players
from cte
where players = (select max(players) from cte)
order by country
See the demo.
country | players
Australia | 2
Japan | 2