I'd like to know a query in which I could get a specific sub-doc using it's ObjectId- or even it's "store" name if it's easier- using the aggregation method. I'm pretty sure I can use $project but I'm not sure how to apply that to an ObjectId.
I can use the find method but I need it to be in an aggregation method so mongo will return to me the item's names and not it's ObjectId.
{$unwind: '$inventory'},
{$lookup: {
from: 'items',
localField: 'inventory.item',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'itemsData'
{$unwind: '$itemsData'},
_id: "$_id",
inventory: { $push: "$inventory" },
itemsData: { $push: "$itemsData" }
I have five stores in my store collection. This query returns all five documents like the code below this, just five times. But I want to specify stores to be returned using it's ObjectId.
"_id" : ObjectId("5cc0d6ad1ea502abb28b52cc"),
"inventory" : [
"item" : ObjectId("5cbe70bd1ea502abb28b52a4"),
"amount" : 9
"item" : ObjectId("5cbe70bd1ea502abb28b52a1"),
"amount" : 5
"item" : ObjectId("5cbe70bd1ea502abb28b52a7"),
"amount" : 2
"item" : ObjectId("5cbe70bd1ea502abb28b529e"),
"amount" : 5
"itemsData" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5cbe70bd1ea502abb28b52a4"),
"item" : "beans",
"price" : NumberDecimal("53,75")
"_id" : ObjectId("5cbe70bd1ea502abb28b52a1"),
"item" : "bananas",
"price" : NumberDecimal("5.00")
"_id" : ObjectId("5cbe70bd1ea502abb28b52a7"),
"item" : "watermelon",
"price" : NumberDecimal("3.50")
"_id" : ObjectId("5cbe70bd1ea502abb28b529e"),
"item" : "broccoli",
"price" : NumberDecimal("5.50")
I want the query to return back the code just like the one above, with only one store and not five. I'm not sure how to use $project if it's suitable for this task.
As you said only one store data to be return, so you can use $limit :
{$unwind: '$inventory'},
{$lookup: {
from: 'items',
localField: 'inventory.item',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'itemsData'
{$unwind: '$itemsData'},
_id: "$_id",
inventory: { $push: "$inventory" },
itemsData: { $push: "$itemsData" }
{ $limit : 1}
now, if you want to return specific store data to be return use $match Query :
{ $match : { "_id" : ObjectId("5cc0d6ad1ea502abb28b52cc") }},
{$unwind: '$inventory'},
{$lookup: {
from: 'items',
localField: 'inventory.item',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'itemsData'
{$unwind: '$itemsData'},
_id: "$_id",
inventory: { $push: "$inventory" },
itemsData: { $push: "$itemsData" }
Hope, this was helpful.