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SAS Inputting Mean for Missing Questionnaire Data if Missing Less Than 80% of Values

I have a questionnaire coded 1-5 and then labeled as (.) for missing variables. How do I code the data to reflect the following:

If patient has =>80% values not missing than missing values will be coded as the mean value of the questions answered. If patient is missing more than 80% of values than set measure summary to missing for patient, drop record.

set int108;

proc means data=condomuse n nmiss missing;
var cusesability CUSESPurchase CUSESCarry CUSESDiscuss CUSESSuggest CUSESUse CUSESMaintain CUSESEmbarrass CUSESReject CUSESUnsure CUSESConfident CUSESComfort CUSESPersuade CUSESGrace CUSESSucceed;
by Intround sid;


  • Using the following assumptions:

    • each line/record is a unique person
    • all variables are numeric

    NMISS(), N(), CMISS() and DIM() are functions that can work with arrays.

    This will identify all records with 80% or more missing.

    data temp; *temp is output data set name;
        set have; *have is input data set name;
        *create an array to avoid listing all variables later;
        array vars_check(*) cusesability CUSESPurchase CUSESCarry CUSESDiscuss CUSESSuggest CUSESUse CUSESMaintain CUSESEmbarrass CUSESReject CUSESUnsure CUSESConfident CUSESComfort CUSESPersuade CUSESGrace CUSESSucceed;
        *calculate percent missing;
        Percent_Missing = NMISS(of vars_check(*)) / Dim(vars_check);
        if percent_missing >= 0.8 then exclude = 'Y';
        else exclude = 'N';

    To replace with mean or a different method, PROC STDIZE can do that.

    *temp is input data set name from previous step;
    proc stdize data=temp out=temp_mean reponly method=mean;
    *keep only records with more than 80%;
    where exclude = 'N';
    *list of vars to fill with mean;
    VAR cusesability CUSESPurchase CUSESCarry CUSESDiscuss CUSESSuggest CUSESUse CUSESMaintain CUSESEmbarrass CUSESReject CUSESUnsure CUSESConfident CUSESComfort CUSESPersuade CUSESGrace CUSESSucceed;

    The different methods for standardization are here, but these are standardization methods not imputation methods.