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upgrade:all in typo3_console for TYPO3 9.5 does not work correctly

TYPO3 9.5.3 typo3_console 5.6 from TER (last version)

I try to run all updates via typo3_console:

./typo3cms upgrade:all --arguments=typo3DbLegacyExtension[install]=1,adminpanelExtension[install]=1,funcExtension[install]=0

the upgrades are running but i get this question:

[Optional] Install extensions "dbal" and "adodb" from TER.
Install (y/N) N
12/12 [============================] 100%

I typed N but dbal and adodb are installed anyway, and the func Extension too. After finishing the installation crashes until i manually remove and deaktivate all three of them.

Any ideas why typo3_console is behaving so weired? yy


  • OK, i found some explanation: the upgrade wizard for dbal and adodb is part of typo3db_legacy which implements the old database classes. If you need these classes you are struck with both upgrade wizards :-) In combination with the bug in TYPO3 Console which makes it impossible to skip these wizards this problem is not exactly solvable but i found a little workaround: just after running all upgrade wizards i advice TYPO3 console to deinstall both extensions and delete the cache. This keeps the installation running and the further actions will work as expected.