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HTTP Tracing from server perspective

In Go 1.7 http tracing was introduced, but it works only from client perspective. Is it possible somehow trace request from server perspective, I mean I want to add some hooks, for example when connection was established. Should it be implemented as middleware or what?

http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)


  • Support for server-side tracing was added a lot earlier, in Go 1.3. Create your own http.Server, and set a callback function in the Server.ConnState field.

    // ConnState specifies an optional callback function that is
    // called when a client connection changes state. See the
    // ConnState type and associated constants for details.
    ConnState func(net.Conn, ConnState) // Go 1.3

    http.ConnState details when / what connection states the callback is notified about.

    // StateNew represents a new connection that is expected to
    // send a request immediately. Connections begin at this
    // state and then transition to either StateActive or
    // StateClosed.
    StateNew ConnState = iota
    // StateActive represents a connection that has read 1 or more
    // bytes of a request. The Server.ConnState hook for
    // StateActive fires before the request has entered a handler
    // and doesn't fire again until the request has been
    // handled. After the request is handled, the state
    // transitions to StateClosed, StateHijacked, or StateIdle.
    // For HTTP/2, StateActive fires on the transition from zero
    // to one active request, and only transitions away once all
    // active requests are complete. That means that ConnState
    // cannot be used to do per-request work; ConnState only notes
    // the overall state of the connection.
    // StateIdle represents a connection that has finished
    // handling a request and is in the keep-alive state, waiting
    // for a new request. Connections transition from StateIdle
    // to either StateActive or StateClosed.
    // StateHijacked represents a hijacked connection.
    // This is a terminal state. It does not transition to StateClosed.
    // StateClosed represents a closed connection.
    // This is a terminal state. Hijacked connections do not
    // transition to StateClosed.

    A simple example:

    srv := &http.Server{
        Addr: ":8080",
        ConnState: func(conn net.Conn, cs http.ConnState) {
            fmt.Println("Client:", conn.RemoteAddr(), "- new state:", cs)

    Making a request to the above server:

    curl localhost:8080

    Server output will be:

    Client: - new state: new
    Client: - new state: active
    Client: - new state: idle
    Client: - new state: closed