I have a theoretical problem - how to reference a hash table during its initialization, for example, to compute a member based other already stated members.
Remove-Variable myHashTable -ErrorAction Ignore
$myHashTable =
One = 1
Two= 2
Three = ??? # following expressions do not work
# $This.One + $This.Two or
# $_.One + $_.Two
# $myHashTable.One + $myHashTable.Two
# ????
$myHashTable.Three -eq 3 # make this $true
Any ideas how to do it? Is it actually possible?
Edit: This was my solution:
$myHashTable =
One = 1
Two= 2
$myHashTable.Three = $myHashTable.One + $myHashTable.Two
You can also recur to this...
sometimes when the hashtable is very long
and can be defined only in 2 or three recurrences...
works fine:
$AAA = @{
DAT = "C:\MyFolderOfDats"
EXE = "C:\MyFolderOfExes"
$AAA += @{
Data = $AAA.DAT + "\#Links"
Scripts = $AAA.EXE + "\#Scripts"
ScriptsX = $AAA.EXE + "\#ScriptsX"
- Note in the second part we are just adding ( += )
more items to the first part...
but now... we can refer the items
in first part of the hashtable