The software I am working on has a Mainwindow
in which there are several buttons that open new windows. Each of these should have a ViewModel
In the MainWindowViewModel
the software creates some data, eg ProList
and summariesData
. One of the buttons in the main window that opens a new window is "Show Bars" button. In the MainWindowViewModel
, I have connected Show bars button with ICommand
to a method that instantiates the new window. I use code-behind Show Bar buttons to open the new window.
Dim wndSummariesObject = New WndSummaries
In the same method, I instantiate the ShowbarsViewModel
to pass the data it needs to work with.
WndSummariesViewModelObject = new WndSummariesViewModel(_ProfileList,
SummariesWndData) With {
.ProfileList = ProList,
.SummariesWndData = SummariesData
It shows that the constructor transfers the data into the ShowBarsViewModel
, but the problem is when I click on one of the buttons in the Show bar button to operate its task, I lose all the variables' values that were instantiated and transferred before from the MainWindowViewModel
Where am I making the mistake?
------- Update
It has the same behavior(Making null) when I want to send the instance of the first ViewModel as a parameter of the constructor of the second ViewModel.
The problem was that in Xaml I was setting an instance of the ViewModels. Even though I was setting the parameters in the constructor, but the second ViewModel was using the one that was created in the Xaml mistakenly.
<ViewModels:WndSummariesViewModel x:Key="WndSummariesVM"/>
<viewModels:ProViewModel x:Key="ProViewModel" />