If I am using the PopUpManager to add a child, and I dispatch an event from that child, the bubbles don't seem to bubble to the top of my application (main application).
For instance:
PopUpManager.addPopUp( popup, parentApplication as Application, false );
Then in the popup, I do:
dispatchEvent( new Event( "testEvent", true ) );
I have an eventListener in parentApplication (root .mxml) for "testEvent", but it never fires. Because of this, I have been dispatching events and listening for events on the ModelLocator (using cairngorm). This obviously is not ideal, because I have to manually make sure I remove the event listeners in a lot of cases.
Any ideas?
I'm more familiar with Mate than Cairngorm, but what I do in this situation is to back up my pop up with a model and dispatch the events off of the model. Since the model and the main application sit at the same level, the main application can hear the events.
Here's a rough example.
In my MainMap.mxml I create an instance of the presentation model and inject it into my popup.
<EventHandlers type="{ FlexEvent.PREINITIALIZE }">
<ObjectBuilder generator="{ MyPopUpPresentationModel }" constructorArguments="{ scope.dispatcher }"/>
<Injectors target="{ MyPopUp }">
<PropertyInjector targetKey="model" source="{ MyPopUpPresentationModel }"/>
And In MyPopUp.mxml I have an instance of my model.
[Bindable] public var model:MyPopUpPresentationModel;
Here's MyPopUpPresentationModel.as.
private var dispatcher:IEventDispatcher;
public function DigitalTagTrackingPresentationModel(target:IEventDispatcher)
this.dispatcher = target;
public function dispatchMyCustomEvent():void
dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new Event("MyCustomEvent"));
When you call model.dispatchMyCustomEvent();
from MyPopUp.mxml it will dispatch the event using the scope of the presentation model's dispatcher which will be at the same level as the parent application. I hope this helps!