I have written a program for an assignment and it complies but it does not execute. I have tried creating new files to for the code but this has not helped. In the past when it has worked half of the project will work but the file access part of it hasn't worked.
This is the error that shows up when i execute the program:
Failed to execute "D:\Compter programming\Project\cass.exe": Error 193: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
This is the code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
const int SIZE = 18; /* This is seting up the size of the array called SIZE, the code will use this rather than using a number */
void calc_freq (int[]); /* These are the function prototypes*/
void ind(double, int[], double[]);
void cap(double, int[], double[]);
void att(double, double, int[], double[]);
void attdb(double, double, int[], double[], double[]);
void screenprint (int[], double[], double[], double[], double[]);
void fileprint (int[], double[], double[], double[], double[]);
int main (void) {
int frequencies[SIZE], n;
double ind_react[SIZE], cap_react[SIZE], attenuation[SIZE], attenuationdb[SIZE] ;
double L, C;
printf("Enter inductance in milli Henrys\n");
L = L / 1000; /* Convert from milli Henies to Henries */
printf("Enter capacitance in Farads\n");
C = C / 1000000; /* Converts from miro Farads to Farads */
calc_freq (frequencies); /* function prototypes*/
ind(L, frequencies, ind_react);
cap(C, frequencies, cap_react);
att(L, C, frequencies, attenuation);
attdb(L, C, frequencies, attenuation, attenuationdb);
screenprint (frequencies, ind_react, cap_react, attenuation, attenuationdb);
fileprint (frequencies, ind_react, cap_react, attenuation, attenuationdb);
return 0;
void calc_freq (int numbers[SIZE])
int n;
for (n=0; n<9; n++)
numbers[n] = 100*(n+1); /* This equation helps frequncy go up in 100s */
for (n=9; n<18; n++)
numbers[n] = 1000*(n-8); /* This equations helps frequency go up in 1000s */
void ind(double L, int frequencies[], double ind_react[])
int i;
for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
ind_react[i] = 2*M_PI*frequencies[i]*L; /* in the math library PI is M_PI */
void cap(double C, int frequencies[], double cap_react[])
int i;
for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
cap_react[i] = 1/(2*M_PI*frequencies[i]*C);
void att(double L, double C, int frequencies[], double attenuation[])
int i;
for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
attenuation[i] = 1/((1)-(2*M_PI*frequencies[i]*2*M_PI*frequencies[i])*L*C);
if (attenuation[i] <0)
attenuation[i] = attenuation[i] * (-1);
void attdb(double L, double C, int frequencies[], double attenuation[], double attenuationdb[])
int i;
for(i=0; i<SIZE; i++)
attenuation[i] = 1/((1)-(2*M_PI*frequencies[i]*2*M_PI*frequencies[i])*L*C);
if (attenuation[i] <0)
attenuation[i] = attenuation[i] * (-1); /* the (-1) gets rid of the negative attenuation anwers which can't be used in the log expression */
attenuationdb[i] = 20*log10 (attenuation[i]);
void screenprint (int frequencies[SIZE], double ind_react[SIZE], double cap_react[SIZE], double attenuation[SIZE], double attenuationdb[SIZE])
printf("\nFREQUENCIES\tINDUCTIVE REACTANCE\tCAPACITIVE REAVTANCE\tATTENUATION\tATTENUATION (dB)\n"); /* this will put the calculated answers in a table form */
int n;
for (n=0; n<18; n++)
printf ("%4i\t %18.3lf\t %18.3lf\t %14.3lf\t %14.3lf\n",frequencies[n], ind_react[n], cap_react[n], attenuation[n], attenuationdb[n]);
/* puting a number after '%' will change the indent between each column of the table and adding a decimal to tht number controls the number of decimal places of the values */
void fileprint (int frequencies[SIZE], double ind_react[SIZE], double cap_react[SIZE], double attenuation[SIZE], double attenuationdb[SIZE])
char filename[200];
FILE *f_ptr; /* *f_ptr creates a file pointer */
printf("Enter the full name of the output file: ");
scanf("%s", filename); /* This line scans the file name and puts it into the filename */
/*Open the file for writing */
f_ptr = fopen(filename, "w"); /* "w" for write mode */
int n;
for (n=0; n<18; n++)
fprintf (f_ptr,"%4i\t %18.3lf\t %18.3lf\t %14.3lf\t %14.3lf\n",frequencies[n], ind_react[n], cap_react[n], attenuation[n], attenuationdb[n]);
fclose(f_ptr); /* Close the file */
In this windows File path D:\Compter programming\Project\cass.exe", there seems to be a space.
Because of this, it may not detect the application type.
The link have the explanation for this. https://support.symantec.com/en_US/article.TECH11171.html