Suppose that I want to test if my api removes duplicated entries.
My current steps are:
1) Post the same JSON request several times using Examples, each request in a different scenario:
Scenario Outline:
Given path '/endpoint'
And request
"field1": <field1>
When method post
Then status 200
| field1 |
| value1 |
| value1 |
2) Assert in a new scenario that there are not duplicates:
Given path '/other_endpoint'
When method get
Then match response.values == [ "value1" ]
Problem here is that I suspect that scenarios order is not guaranteed. Is there any approach to solve this problem without "unrolling" the loop (see example below)?
Given path '/endpoint'
And request
"field1": value1
When method post
Then status 200
Given path '/endpoint'
And request
"field1": value1
When method post
Then status 200
Given path '/other_endpoint'
When method get
Then match response.values == [ "value1" ]
PD: My real use case requires at least 20 entries in Examples to fill a very large JSON, so "unrolling" the loop is not a solution.
Thanks in advance.
Try the alternate form of data-driven tests as described here:
So you can have a second feature file, and call it for the "loop" and after the loop, perform the assertion you want.