I've been using iMacros for a long thing and I had a code where I could extract a text and use it to create a specific url I needed.
It was something like this:
#I can extract the XPath text with this.
TAG XPATH="//*[@id="meio"]/div[2]/section/article[5]/h2/span/a" EXTRACT=TXT
#With this, I'm able to use that extracted text to go to another url. I think it's obvious to say, but I can place my word wherever I want with "{{!EXTRACT}}".
URL GOTO=https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/perfil/{{!EXTRACT}}
There's anything like this I could use in Python?
Let's say this is my current url:
I need to extract "depreciate" and use it to go to this url:
Ps: in this case, I can't extract directly from the XPath. It HAS to be in the current url.
Thank you.
Here is the code that will give you the desire url.
newURL = driver.current_url.split(".com")[0]+".com/mensagens/post?usuario=" +driver.current_url.split("/")[-1]
# navigate to newURL