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Tortoise SVN pre-commit script allow commit that contains defined string

Creating a pre commit script that will only allow commits that contain a specific string somewhere in the file Test.cfg

Currently I have it working in that it will look through every file committed and blocks commits that contain a specified string


$SVNLOOK diff -t "$TXN" "$REPOS" | \
   grep -i "Sting to search here" > /dev/null && { echo "String exists so block commit" 1>&2; exit 1; }

What I am after is for the above code to pretty do the complete opposite so that if the string exists allow the commit and if not then prevent the commit. It would also be nice if I could specify which file should be searched as currently it searches every file and some of the commits can contain 1000's of files


  • I beg your pardon, but svnlook diff in your case is ugly stupid way. Re-read svnlook subcommands topic in SVNBook, pay attention to svnlook tree/svnlook changed + svnlook cat

    Full business-logic of your test can|have to be something like (I'm too lazy to write full bashism here, it will be your duty)

    IF $FILENAME exist in transaction ( I'll prefer svnlook tree --full-paths ... just because svnlook changed ... will require additional | gawk {print $2} for clean filename) AND $FILENAME contains $STRING (svnlook cat "$FILENAME" | grep "STRING" ...) DO SOMETHING

    Don't forget also process possible edge cases:

    • $FILENAME doesn't exist in transaction, but presented in WC with correct $STRING, but file not modified according to svn status
    • The same as above, but modified
    • pp 1-2, but with disallow $STRING

    Due to above notes, I'll recommend to explore|check possibility of replacing file+string by testing custom revision's property in hook (shorter, easier, more manageable)