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Get List of VM Full Folder Paths through PowerCLI

I'm using vSphere 6.0 and the newest PowerCLI. I want to get the name of a VM and it's path. Something like get-vm myvmware | get-folderpath

I've tried a couple solutions found online, but either they don't work at all or they get all the VMs. I have a list of VMs I need to feed to this to get their paths


  • You could do something like this with a function. It doesn't appear that VMware has anything like this built-in.

    Function Get-VMFolderPath {
        $Folders = [system.collections.arraylist]::new()
        $tracker = Get-Folder -Id $VMFolderId
        $Obj = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{FolderName = $tracker.Name; FolderID = $tracker.Id}
        $null = $Folders.add($Obj)
        while ($tracker) {
           if ($tracker.parent.type) {
            $tracker = (Get-Folder -Id $tracker.parentId)
            $Obj = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{FolderName = $tracker.Name; FolderID = $tracker.Id}
            $null = $Folders.add($Obj)
               else {
            $Obj = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{FolderName = $; FolderID = $tracker.parentId}
            $null = $Folders.add($Obj)
                $tracker = $null
        $Folders.FolderName -join "/"
    $VM = Get-VM "VM Name"
    Get-VMFolderPath $VM.Folder.Id

    This will list the folder path starting from the Data Center container down to the VM folder that contains the VM.