I saw that it is possible to pass an R function as argument into C++ using Rcpp. For example, you can do:
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat example_cpp_func(Rcpp::Function my_r_func, arma::mat a){
return Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(my_r_func(a));
That is fine but I'm searching for something slightly different.
Let be the following functions:
arma::mat f1(arma::mat& a){
return a;
arma::mat func_2(Rcpp::Function g, arma::mat a){
return Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(g(a));
I want to call func_2
in a third function using func_1
as argument. Is that possible? For example, I'm seeking to do:
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat func_3(arma::mat a){
return func_2(func_1, a);
## ^^^^ Pass a C++ function as a parameter
This is possible with R, but when I tried with Rcpp/RcppArmadillo I get the following error:
could not convert ‘f1’ from ‘arma::mat ()(arma::mat&)’ {aka ‘arma::Mat ()(arma::Mat&)’} to ‘Rcpp::Function’ {aka ‘Rcpp::Function_Impl’}
Here's a complete example using the approach Ralf wrote in #1. You can use pure C/C++ function pointers here, although you can do more complex things with C++11.
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
typedef arma::mat (*functype)(arma::mat&);
arma::mat f1(arma::mat& a){
return a+1;
arma::mat f2(functype g, arma::mat a){
return g(a);
arma::mat f3(arma::mat a){
return f2(f1, a);
R side:
> f3(matrix(1))
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