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How to run functions from context menu in QGraphicsItem

I am trying to implement a context menu in my QGraphicsItem subclass like so:

void ImagePixmapItem::right_clicked(){
    qDebug("Got here!");

void ImagePixmapItem::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event){
    QMenu menu;
    QAction *removeAction = menu.addAction("Remove");
    QAction *markAction = menu.addAction("Mark");
    QAction *selectedAction = menu.exec(event->screenPos());

    connect(selectedAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),this, SLOT(right_clicked()));

What am I doing wrong? The text "Got here!" never gets fired, and further, how do I modify this to know which action was selected from the menu?



  • The QMenu is deleted when the menu object goes out of scope.

    Try this:

    void ImagePixmapItem::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
        std::auto_ptr<QMenu> menu(new QMenu(address_of_parent_widget));
        QAction *removeAction = menu->addAction("Remove");
        QAction *markAction = menu->addAction("Mark");
        QAction *selectedAction = menu->exec(event->screenPos());
        if ( selectedAction != 0 ) { 
            // see: