I am the (beginner) admin of my company GitLab server and I have a shared runner that is locked for an unknown reason. I couldn't find any information about what it means to be locked (and the difference with "paused") or how a runner can get locked. I also tried to find a way to unlock it, but all I could find was "how to register an unlocked runner in the first place".
gitlab-runner unregister the-runner-name
.gitlab-runner register --locked=false
.gitlab-runner verify --delete
.Edit the current runner with something like gitlab-runner edit the-runner-name --locked=false
Go to https://gitlab.my-company.com/admin/runners and click on Unlock runner.
Is there a way to unlock a runner or do I have to unregister it each time it's locked and register a new one?
Just go to runners page and click you runner (or Edit icon next to its name). It should lead you to a screen where you can remove Locked status.
You may be using some old version of gitlab or have no sufficient permissions if you can't access this screen.