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Want to remove duplicated rows unless NA value exists in columns

I have a data table with 4 columns: ID, Name, Rate1, Rate2.

I want to remove duplicates where ID, Rate1, and Rate 2 are the same, but if they are both NA, I would like to keep both rows.

Basically, I want to conditionally remove duplicates, but only if the conditions != NA.

For example, I would like this:

ID   Name   Rate1    Rate2
1    Xyz    1        2
1    Abc    1        2
2    Def    NA       NA
2    Lmn    NA       NA
3    Hij    3        5
3    Qrs    3        7

to become this:

ID   Name   Rate1    Rate2
1    Xyz    1        2
2    Def    NA       NA
2    Lmn    NA       NA
3    Hij    3        5
3    Qrs    3        7

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I know it's possible to just take a subset of the data table where the Rates are NA, then remove duplicates on what's left, then add the NA rows back in - but, I would rather avoid this strategy. This is because in reality there are quite a few couplets of rates that I want to do this for consecutively.

EDIT2: Added in some more rows to the example for clarity.


  • A base R option would be to use duplicated on the subset of dataset without the 'Name' column i.e. column index 2 to create a logical vector, negate (! - TRUE becomes FALSE and viceversa) so that TRUE would be non-duplicated rows. Along with that create another condition with rowSumson a logical matrix ([3:4]) - Rate columns) to get rows that are all NA's - here we compare it with 2 - i.e. the number of Rate columns in the dataset). Both the conditions are joined by | to create the expected logical index

    i1 <- !duplicated(df1[-2])| rowSums([3:4])) == 2
    #    ID Name Rate1 Rate2
    #1  1  Xyz     1     2
    #3  2  Def    NA    NA
    #4  2  Lmn    NA    NA

    Or with Reduce from base R

    df1[Reduce(`&`, lapply(df1[3:4], | !duplicated(df1[-2]), ]

    Wrapping it in a function

    f1 <- function(dat, i, method ) {     
             nm1 <- grep("^Rate", colnames(dat), value = TRUE)    
             i1 <- !duplicated(dat[-i])  
             i2 <-  switch(method, 
               "rowSums" = rowSums([nm1])) == length(nm1),
               "Reduce" = Reduce(`&`, lapply(dat[nm1],
             i3 <- i1|i2


    f1(df1, 2, "rowSums")
    #  ID Name Rate1 Rate2
    #1  1  Xyz     1     2
    #3  2  Def    NA    NA
    #4  2  Lmn    NA    NA
    f1(df1, 2, "Reduce")
    #  ID Name Rate1 Rate2
    #1  1  Xyz     1     2
    #3  2  Def    NA    NA
    #4  2  Lmn    NA    NA
    f1(df2, 2, "rowSums")
    #  ID Name Rate1 Rate2
    #1  1  Xyz     1     2
    #3  2  Def    NA    NA
    #4  2  Lmn    NA    NA
    #5  3  Hij     3     5
    #6  3  Qrs     3     7
    f1(df2, 2, "Reduce")
    #  ID Name Rate1 Rate2
    #1  1  Xyz     1     2
    #3  2  Def    NA    NA
    #4  2  Lmn    NA    NA
    #5  3  Hij     3     5
    #6  3  Qrs     3     7

    if there are multiple 'Rate' columns (say 100 or more - only thing to change in the first solution is 2 should be changed to the number of 'Rate' columns)

    Or using tidyverse

    df1 %>%
        group_by(ID) %>%
        filter_at(vars(Rate1, Rate2), any_vars(!duplicated(.)|
    # A tibble: 3 x 4
    # Groups:   ID [2]
    #     ID Name  Rate1 Rate2
    #  <int> <chr> <int> <int>
    #1     1 Xyz       1     2
    #2     2 Def      NA    NA
    #3     2 Lmn      NA    NA
    df2 %>% 
         group_by(ID) %>%
         filter_at(vars(Rate1, Rate2), any_vars(!duplicated(.)|
    # A tibble: 5 x 4
    # Groups:   ID [3]
    #     ID Name  Rate1 Rate2
    #  <int> <chr> <int> <int>
    #1     1 Xyz       1     2
    #2     2 Def      NA    NA
    #3     2 Lmn      NA    NA
    #4     3 Hij       3     5
    #5     3 Qrs       3     7

    As @Paul mentioned in the comments, the updated tidyverse syntax as on Nov 4 2021 is

    df2 %>% 
         group_by(ID) %>%
         filter(if_any(cRate1, Rate2), ~ !duplicated(.)|


    df1 <- structure(list(ID = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L), Name = c("Xyz", "Abc", 
    "Def", "Lmn"), Rate1 = c(1L, 1L, NA, NA), Rate2 = c(2L, 2L, NA, 
     NA)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L))
    df2 <- structure(list(ID = c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L), Name = c("Xyz", 
     "Abc", "Def", "Lmn", "Hij", "Qrs"), Rate1 = c(1L, 1L, NA, NA, 
     3L, 3L), Rate2 = c(2L, 2L, NA, NA, 5L, 7L)), class = "data.frame", 
     row.names = c(NA, -6L))