How to organize properly child classes in different files with CoffeeScript? Here is a simple example of the problems with the code. The Snake runs just fine, but then trying to use the Dog class (because it is placed in another class), it gives the following error:
TypeError: Dog is not a constructor
Main file: .test/
#expect = require "expect.js"
Animal = require "../learning/Animals"
Snake = Animal.Snake
Dog = require "../learning/Dog"
#Dog = Animal.Dog #unresolved variable
describe 'animals', ->
it 'test inheritance', ->
sam = new Snake "Sammy the Python"
peanut = new Dog "Peanut the Dog"
Parent class: .learning/
class Animal
constructor: (@name) ->
move: (meters) ->
console.log(@name + " moved #{meters}m.")
class Snake extends Animal
move: ->
console.log( "Slithering...")
super 5
module.exports = { Animal, Snake }
Child class: .learning/
Animal = require './Animals'
class Dog extends Animal
move: ->
console.log( "Runs...")
super 15
module.exports = { Dog }
You are exporting objects containing classes:
module.exports = { Dog }
This is equivalent to
module.exports = {
Dog: Dog
You can destructure the imported object:
{ Dog } = require('./')
This is similar to:
a = require('./')
Dog = a.Dog
You should be consistent and always export objects, and always destructure the imported object into those parts which you need.
Alternatively, I would suggest giving each class it's own file to avoid confusion