I have a process containing a sub-process. The sub-process can end either normally (with an Untyped End Event) or through Cancel End Event.
In the latter case I wanted to use a Boundary Interrupting Cancel Event to indicate next action taken in such case. I can't find a way to do that though. I can add other types of Boundary Events (both Interrupting and Non-Interrupting), but Cancel is not on the list.
This is a simplification of my process, with Escalation Events used in place of Cancel:
My situation is essentially similar to one described here.
I'm using Bizagi Modeller.
Do I oversee something or is it a limitation of Bizagi?
Cancel Intermediate events can only be stuck to the boundary of a Transaction Sub-Process according to the BPMN standard. It looks like you have used a reusable Sub-Process in your model. You have to right-click on the sub-process shape and select "Is transaction". Afterwards you can right-click on it again and attach the cancel event.
You will notice that the Transaction Sub-Process has a double lined boundary.