I am trying to do hierarchy clustering on my MFCC array 'signal_mfcc' which is an ndarray with dimensions of (198, 12). 198 audio frames/observation and 12 coefficients/dimensions?
I am using a random threshold of '250' with 'distance' for the criterion as shown below:
thresh = 250
clusters = hcluster.fclusterdata(signal_mfcc, thresh, criterion="distance")
With the specified threshold, the output variable 'cluster' is a sequence [1 1 1 ... 1] with the length of 198 or (198,) which I assume points all the data to a single cluster. Then, I am using pyplot to plot scatter() with the following code:
# plotting
plt.scatter(*np.transpose(signal_mfcc), c=clusters)
title = "threshold: %f, number of clusters: %d" % (thresh) len(set(clusters)))
The output is:
plt.scatter(*np.transpose(signal_mfcc), c=clusters)
TypeError: scatter() got multiple values for argument 'c'
The scatter plot would not show. Any clues to what may went wrong? Thanks in advance!
From this SO Thread, you can see why you have this error.
Fom the Scatter documentation, c
is the 2nd optional argument, and the 4th argument total. This error means that your unpacking on np.transpose(signal_mfcc)
returns more than 4 items. And as you define c
later on, it is defined twice and it cannot choose which one is correct.
Example :
def temp(n, c=0):
temp(*[1, 2], c=1)
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
# TypeError: temp() got multiple values for argument 'c'