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How To Fix SyntaxError: Unexpected token b in JSON at position 0

I want to read an e-mail address as a string from my backend using Spring MVC. However, when I try to read it using Angular's HttpClient, I get the following error:

SyntaxError: Unexpected token b in JSON at position 0 at JSON.parse

This is a screenshot of the error displayed within the console:

Screenshot of console

This is the code I'm using in Angular to read the response:

public findEmail(username: string): Observable<string> {
  let params = new HttpParams();
  params = params.append('username', username);
  return this.httpClient.get<string>(this.baseUrl + '/findEmail', {params});

And this is the code of the Spring controller that provides the response:

@GetMapping(value = "/findEmail", params = { "username" })
public String findEmail(@RequestParam String username) {
    return utilisateursService.findEmail(username);


  • You don't have a JSON response, your response is plaintext (an e-mail address) as can be seen by the error in the first screenshot.

    Spring by default uses the StringHttpMessageConverter when you return a string, which means that it will simply return the string and use text/plain, for example

    This means that the response won't be valid JSON. To turn it into a valid JSON, you would need to have additional quotes, for example "".

    The solution is to:

    1. Either return a JSON response from your backend. This can be done by wrapping the response (the e-mail) within a class. As soon as you return objects, Jackson will serialize them as JSON. For example:

      public User getUser() {
          // Response will be { "email": "" }
          return new User("");
    2. Or to tell HttpClient to interprete the response as plain text by using the responseType option. This is also mentioned by the documentation:

      this.httpClient.get<string>('', {responseType: 'text'});
    3. Or to remove StringHttpMessageConverter from the existing converters. This will cause the conversion to fallback on Jackson, which will convert the response into a valid JSON string. The solution to do this can be seen in this answer.

    4. Alternatively, you could just add additional quotes to your response. For example by returning "\"\"" within your Spring controller.