I have this reply button in my app where when a user press it, it will change the TextInput autoFocus
to true. I set the autoFocus value to false as default value and keep it in a state. I see the state will change to true but it doesn't open the keyboard.
This is my TextInput :
ref={ref => this.textInputRef = ref}
multiline = {true}
placeholder="Write a comment ..."
onChangeText={(postComment) => this.setState({postComment})}
value={this.state.postComment} />
Here is the function to change the state when reply button is pressed :
_openReplyBox(comment_id, commenter){
this.setState({ postComment: commenter, textInputFocus: true })
Accordinig to docs:
autoFocus: If true, focuses the input on componentDidMount. The default value is false
You can use refs to achieve the same functionality.
In openReplyBox:
_openReplyBox(comment_id, commenter){
this.setState({ postComment: commenter})