I'm trying to tell Websphere Liberty where is located my log4j2.xml
file, but it isn't working.
In my file jvm.options
I configure:
but it looks like Liberty does not understand the variable ${server.config.dir} in the jvm.options file. The file is in the same directory of the server.xml
How would I specify the log4j2.xml location for Liberty?
I think it should be possible by creating a Library entry in your server.xml such as:
<library id="log4jLib">
<folder dir="/opt/log4j2/config"/>
where the directory specified contains the log4j2 properties or xml file.
Then specify a classloader for your application like this:
<application id="test" name="test" type="ear" location="test.ear">
<classloader commonLibraryRef="log4jLib" />