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protect_from_forgery in Rails 6?

The protect_from_forgery method isn't included in my application controller with a default Rails 6 app, but there's the embedded ruby <%= csrf_meta_tags %> in the main application layout. Does this mean that the protect_from_forgery method has been abstracted and is no longer explicitly needed in the application controller?

I've bought the Pragmatic Programmer's Rails 6 book and the only thing I could find was "the csrf_meta_tags() method sets up all the behind-the-scenes data needed to prevent cross-site request forgery attacks".


  • For rails 5.2 and higher is enabled by default on ActionController::Base. Check out this commit:

    *   Protect from forgery by default
        Rather than protecting from forgery in the generated ApplicationController,
        add it to ActionController::Base depending on
        `config.action_controller.default_protect_from_forgery`. This configuration
        defaults to false to support older versions which have removed it from their
        ApplicationController, but is set to true for Rails 5.2.

    In official docs:

    config.action_controller.default_protect_from_forgery determines whether
    forgery protection is added on ActionController:Base. This is false by default.