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XSL FO - Formatting tables for overflow

I have an XSL-FO table that works almost perfectly. Unfortunately, I am finding that when I have many items (enough to wrap to page 2), the table gets too close to the footer. I want there to be some padding between the table and the footer.

I tried adding padding-after, but instead of padding I get overflow errors from Apache FOP.

Apr 7, 2011 1:29:41 PM processEvent WARNING: Content overflows the viewport of the fo:region-after on page 1 in bloc k-progression direction by 25966 millipoints. (See position 68:53)

How can I do it?

<fo:block overflow="clip" padding-after="1em">
        <!-- table start -->
        <fo:table table-layout="fixed" width="100%" border-collapse="separate" >


  •  <!--Footer-->
        <fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-after">
          <fo:block font-size="12pt" padding-before="1em" 

    I padded the footer instead of the table. For whatever reason, it respects the footer padding.