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page: copyToSection failing with error code 19999 with both OneNote and Microsoft graph APIs

This occurs now consistently on the two tenants I have access to.

POST .../v1.0/me/onenote/pages/{id}/copyToSection
  "id": "id-value",
  "groupId": "groupId-value"

With the initial response of 202, "status":"not started"

X-CorrelationId: 0b2f5dec-34d8-4462-94e5-7fbf1474f4dc

And on polling with

GET .../v1.0/me/onenote/operations/{id}

Receiving a 200 response but with

"Something failed, the API cannot share any more information at the time of the request."

X-CorrelationId: 9f923783-aaa1-4574-945e-7a76cd578ee2

My workaround is to get all the extracted information from the page to be copied with

GET .../v1.0/me/notes/pages/{id}/?includeinkML=true&preAuthenticated=true&includeIDs=true

and rebuild/create the page copy, but this doesn't allow me to set a picture as a background and muddles up the images and text box layering.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Known issue. Working towards a fix soon. Will reply back here when done. Thanks for reporting!