I am trying to create multiple pipeline jobs under a folder. Under this folder I have created some folder properties. I am having a hard time to use this folder properties across multiple stages in a job.
plugin used : https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Folder+Properties+Plugin
def region
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Assign values to global properties') {
steps {
region = "${env.appRegion}"
stage('Print') {
steps {
Expected a step @ line 8, column 21.
region = "${env.appRegion}"
Thanks in Advance
region = "${env.appRegion}"
is not pipeline reserved name of step or directive. It's groovy statement. You should put them inside script
step. If you used Scripted Pipeline you can put any kinds of groovy statement in anywhere. But for Declarative Pipeline any groovy statement should wrapped in script
steps {
script {
region = "${env.appRegion}"
steps {
script {
region = "${env.appRegion}"
I'm not sure which one code block above is work, but you can give a try.