I have a very simple example class, compiled with C++17.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
struct name {
std::string first, middle, last;
name() = default;
name(name const&) = default;
name(name &&) = default;
name& operator=(name o) {
std::swap(*this, o); // bad!
return *this;
int main() {
name n1{"mr", "john", "smith"};
name n2 = std::move(n1);
name n3 = n2;
std::cout << n3.first << " " << n3.middle << " " << n3.last;
Using this value-semantics, bundled move assignment and I deliberately called qualified swap, instead of using std::swap; swap(*this, o);
. I didn't provide my swap anyways. Thinking that STL implements swap as a move construction and series of move assignments, I thought this implementation would infinitely recurse, swap calling move and move calling swap. Is std::swap
changed into member-wise swap or something like that?
You never invoked operator=
; all of your code is using initialization (which invokes constructors), specifically copy initialization, not assignment (which invokes operator=
Change the code to:
name n1{"mr", "john", "smith"};
name n2, n3;
n2 = std::move(n1);
n3 = n2;
and you'll see your operator=
used (and presumably explode).