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r convert decimals to pretty fractions

Excel has a function that converts decimals to fractions ('Format Cells' > 'Fraction' > 'Up to one digit (1/4)' etc. I would like to implement this format in r and I found two ways to convert decimals to fractions, but they seem to be concerned with accuracy rather than with human readability (pretty fractions).

Below is what I have so far.

decmls <- c(0.155351347,0.04003669,0.005442423,0.000727562,3.37797e-05)

Excel_Fractions <- c("1/6","1/25","4/735","2/2749","3/88811")

[1]   3398/21873 33042/825293  1053/193480 6629/9111251            0

[1] "1553513 / 1e+08" "400367 / 1e+08"  "54424 / 1e+08"   "7276 / 1e+08"    "338 / 1e+08"    

   , Excel_Fractions)
     decmls        Excel_Fractions
[1,] "0.155351347" "1/6"           
[2,] "0.04003669"  "1/25"          
[3,] "0.005442423" "4/735"         
[4,] "0.000727562" "2/2749"        
[5,] "3.37797e-05" "3/88811" 

decmls is the toy data, Excel_Fractions is what I want to get


  • @camille, thanks for referring to the fractional package

    Below is a function that I modified to work for this problem

    decmls <- c(0.155351347,0.04003669,0.005442423,0.000727562,3.37797e-05)
    prettyFractions <- function(x = NULL, smbl ="", signif = 3){
     humanity <- function(y){
    # y <- t$estPcnt
    if (!{
      d <- signif(y, digits = 3) %/% 1e-1
      c <- signif(y, digits = 3) %/% 1e-2
      m <- signif(y, digits = 3) %/% 1e-3
      m1 <- signif(y, digits = 3) %/% 1e-4
      m2 <- signif(y, digits = 3) %/% 1e-5
      if ( y >= 0 ){
        y_is_positive <- ""
      } else {
        y_is_positive <- "-"
      if ( between(d, 1, 10) ) {
        paste0( y_is_positive, smbl
                ,fractional::fractional(y, eps = 1e-02, maxConv = 20, sync = TRUE))
        } else if ( between(c, 1, 10)){
        paste0( y_is_positive, smbl
                ,fractional::fractional(y, eps = 1e-03, maxConv = 20, sync = TRUE))
      } else if ( between(m, 1, 10)){
        paste0( y_is_positive, smbl
                ,fractional::fractional(y, eps = 1e-04, maxConv = 20, sync = TRUE))
       }else if( between(m1, 1, 10)){
        paste0( y_is_positive, smbl
                ,fractional::fractional(y, eps = 1e-06, maxConv = 20, sync = TRUE))
      } else {
        paste0( y_is_positive, smbl
                ,fractional::fractional(y, eps = 1e-09, maxConv = 20, sync = TRUE))
    } else if ( | is.null(y)){
      sapply(x, humanity)
      options("scipen"=100, "digits"=4)
       , Excel_Fractions
       , prettyFracs = prettyFractions(decmls)
       , diff = sapply(Excel_Fractions, function(x) eval(parse(text=x))) 
              - sapply(prettyFractions(decmls), function(x) eval(parse(text=x))))
                      decmls      Excel_Fractions   prettyFracs      diff                         
             1/6     "0.155351347"  "1/6"           "2/13"      "0.0128205128205128"         
            1/25     "0.04003669"   "1/25"          "1/25"      "0"                          
           4/735     "0.005442423"  "4/735"         "1/183"     "-0.0000223040035686409"     
          2/2749     "0.000727562"  "2/2749"        "1/1374"    "-0.000000264751559783845"   
         3/88811     "0.0000337797" "3/88811"       "1/29603"   "-0.000000000760724687222706"