I recently picked up on Crystal after being a Rubyist for a while, and I can't seem to find anything about the File class. I want to open and read a file, but it gives me an error.
file = File.open("ditto.txt")
file = file.read
tequila@tequila-pc:~/code$ crystal fileopen.cr
Error in fileopen.cr:2: wrong number of arguments for 'File#read' (given 0, expected 1)
Overloads are:
- IO::Buffered#read(slice : Bytes)
- IO#read(slice : Bytes)
file = file.read
You're probably looking for IO#gets_to_end
which reads the entire file as a String
. But you might as well use File.read
file_content = File.read("ditto.txt")
is a different, more low-level method which allows to read pieces of an IO into a byte slice.