I want to save data from telegram api in for comprehension type with implicit, but have an error
Error:(61, 9) type mismatch;
found : cats.effect.IO[Unit]
required: scala.concurrent.Future[?]
_ <- IO(userRepository.save(User(msg.from.get.id, msg.from.get.username.get)))
The code in TelegramBot example, which use info.mukel.telegrambot4s 3.0.9 library.
onCommand("/hello") { implicit msg =>
for {
_ <- reply(s"Hello ${msg.from.get.firstName}")
_ <- IO(userRepository.save(User(msg.from.get.id, msg.from.get.username.get)))
} yield ()
I tried to delete reply and add, this code compiled, but saving (inside IO) didn`t execute
onCommand("/hello") { implicit msg =>
for {
res <- IO(userRepository.save(User(msg.from.get.id, msg.from.get.username.get)))
} yield res
Is it possible to resolve this problem?
onCommand("/hello") { implicit msg =>
for {
_ <- IO.fromFuture(IO.pure(reply(s"Hello ${msg.from.get.firstName}")))
_ <- IO(userRepository.save(User(msg.from.get.id, isBot = true, msg.from.get.username.get)))
} yield ()