I have a bulleted list that has a numbered sublist that I can't get to format as I want.
- foo
- bar
1. some
1. thing
1. else
- baz
On GitHub this renders as:
- foo
- bar
i. some
ii. thing
iii. else
- baz
What I'd like is:
- foo
- bar
1. some
2. thing
3. else
- baz
The following issue didn't seem to help https://github.com/github/markup/issues/210
This is not a duplicate of Markdown: What's the proper way to do a continued list inside of a list? as that is about how to have the numbering continue across higher level list elements.
This isn't really a Markdown issue; Markdown cares about semantics, not presentation. This is about how the generated <ol>
is styled.
GitHub doesn't permit custom styling¹ of their rendered Markup, and that includes setting list-style-type
to decimal
. You're stuck with the styles they've chosen.
¹E.g., see How to add color to Github's README.md file, Which inline html styles does GitHub markdown accept?, and How to retain HTML formatting in GitHub readme file upon upload?.