Why the first result of this query is matching both tests for absence while the values appear on the page?
#Leaders of Member states of the EU for which there is no value for gender or depiction in DBpedia
SELECT DISTINCT ?leader_No_gender ?leader_No_image
?MS a dbo:Country; dct:subject <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:Member_states_of_the_European_Union>.
{?MS dbo:leader ?leader_No_gender .
FILTER NOT EXISTS {?leader_No_gender foaf:gender ?gender}
{?MS dbo:leader ?leader_No_image .
FILTER NOT EXISTS {?leader_No_image foaf:depiction ?image}
The property path-based queries suggested by @AKSW work on the latest Virtuoso Enterprise Edition (08.03.3312
) as hosts DBpedia-Live. (Of course, these results are different than you'll find on the static DBpedia, still based on the 2016-10 dataset, and still running on Virtuoso 07.20.3230
which does still have the property path bug.)
PREFIX dbo: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
PREFIX dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
?MS a dbo:Country ;
dct:subject <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Category:Member_states_of_the_European_Union> .
{ ?MS dbo:leader ?leader_No_gender .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?leader_No_gender dbo:wikiPageRedirects?/foaf:gender ?gender }
{ ?MS dbo:leader ?leader_No_image .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?leader_No_image dbo:wikiPageRedirects?/foaf:depiction ?image }