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Setting Python Executable Path in Atom Package (i.e. Autocomplete-Python) with Anaconda/Miniconda Python

I am having a tough time managing paths.

I have python installed natively with Miniconda3 (python came shipped with Miniconda3).

I want to setup atom packages, virtual environments.

atom's autocomplete-python documentation (also in settings underneath package header) explains:

Python Executable Paths to be formatted like this

I have located two python executables to the following paths:



I also tried /$Miniconda3...

and prepending c:/...Miniconda3

(I don't think I understood $PROJECT or $PROJECT_NAME, but gave it a shot)

I have tried all these variations. Rebooted as instructed. Still no results.

I generate these two errors:

Please set path to python executable manually in package settings and restart your editor. Be sure to migrate on new settings if everything worked on previous version. Detailed error message: 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Current config: C:\users\User\Miniconda3\python

Please set path to python executable manually in package settings and restart your editor. Be sure to migrate on new settings if everything worked on previous version. Detailed error message: 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Current config: /users/user/Miniconda3/python

In the past, I got around this by installing python globally on my system, then downloading and installing miniconda/anaconda, however, this seems hacky and I would like to understand how to do it the right way especially considering atom looks to support virtual environments and accomodates custom paths, and because I have struggled with paths in the past and want to figure them out.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.


  • Open a python environment and run:

    import sys

    This is the location of python executable that should be set as the path variable in atom. I had the same issue and this resolved it for me.