I have a datamodule that's used thoughout one of our line of business apps. It's in the implementation uses clause of almost every unit in the project.
I can modify business logic and other code in the implementation section of the datamodule and compile without any issues. However, any change to the interface section of the datamodule and then compiling results in the compiler error "Unit MyDataModule recursively uses itself". A build instead of a compile makes the error go away.
This is a new one I haven't seen before. Of course, I've checked to make sure that there's no way the datamodule is recursively used, and if it were in fact, the build wouldn't change anything.
Does anyone have any ideas of how to track this down or fix it? It's really annoying to have to compile, dismiss the error dialog, and then build every time a new query or method is introduced to the datamodule.
EDIT: Addressing some of the comments below and in @Marjan's answer:
I'm not using Variants or debug dcus. I've tried a solution in one of the Google search results that looked promising about corrupt .identcache or .local files, but that didn't pan out.
Tried @Jørn's suggestion; cleaned up all temp and compiled .dcus, did a compile, and all is well. Made a change to the interface (delared a Boolean variable in the private section of the datamodule's class declaration), and hit Ctrl+F9 to compile. Error. Did a Build, all is well. Compile then works fine. Delete the Boolean, try a compile: error.
I've got roughly 20 projects of similar size (~750K-1M LOC), none of which exhibit this behavior. I've quadruple-checked that the datamodule isn't in the interface section of any of the units in the project. The datamodule itself is not extremely large (a total of 8,345 lines from 'unit' to 'end.', including comments and blank lines). The .dfm, seen as text, is a total of 8,916 lines.
EDIT 2: I guess I'll have to accept (for now, anyway) that this is a compiler glitch. I'm going to try some rearranging of things to break out some of the functionality into a separate datamodule to see if it's a size limitation (items in the DFM, maybe) or something. Thanks for all the effort.
You are running into a compiler glitch. See LKesslers question: Why does adding Action cause Fatal Error in Delphi for (an)other situation(s) in which this occurs.
And another: http://objectmix.com/delphi/633618-option-use-debug-dcus-causes-compiler-error.html which is related to using debug dcu's.
And if you google for it ( http://www.google.com/search?q=delphi+%22recursively+uses+itself%22+compiler+error ), it seems to have been around since D4...
I guess it being a compiler glitch is no consolation, but at least you are not alone...
I have dug up two other links with possible information on this. However they are both on experts-exchange. I normally do not include links to experts-exchange because I do not agree with their modus operandi (asking money for access to experts). In this particular case I considered "cheating" (subscribe, get the answer, post it here and cancel my subscription) to help Ken, David and anybody else afflicted with this problem. However, it doesn't feel right plus I am not about to part with my credit card details at subscription even if I can cancel before they will start charging me.
As others may hold different views on experts-exchange and/or may be keen enough to do what I am not prepared to do, the links are: http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Languages/Pascal/Delphi/Q_10206864.html and http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Languages/Pascal/Delphi/Q_23848477.html Both questions have been marked "solved" and "asker verified". Whatever that may mean.