I have an angular service that talks to our API. Certain requests for the same data can be cached locally to help things feel a bit faster.
Here's basically what's going on in a service method that does some caching:
private thingCache: IThing[] = [];
getThing$(thingId: string): Observable<IThing> {
const cachedThing = this.thingCache.find(( => l.id === thingId);
if (cachedThing) {
return of(cachedThing);
const fetchedThing$ = this.http.get<IThing>(`http://our-api/thing/${thingId}`)
.pipe(tap((thing: IThing) => {
//add any retrieved login to the cache
//we already checked above that it's not in the cache, so we know we are adding a new one here
return fetchedThing$;
So In a test I need to test that the first call comes from an actual HTTP GET request, and any call after that does not. What's the best way to do this?
Here's how I test the first call, which does work
describe('Service: api', () => {
let service: ApiService;
let httpMock: HttpTestingController;
beforeEach(() => {
imports: [ HttpClientTestingModule ],
providers: [ ApiService ]
service = TestBed.get(ApiService);
httpMock = TestBed.get(HttpTestingController);
afterEach(() => {
it('should GET a thing when calling getThing$() with a thing ID', () => {
service.getThing$('1234-5678-9012').subscribe((value: IThing) => {
id: '148e265b-b284-84b7-b8b3-441854f15783', otherData: 'foo'
} as IThing);
}, () => {
fail('The subscription to getThing$() has errored out!');
const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://our-api/thing/1234-5678-9012');
id: '148e265b-b284-84b7-b8b3-441854f15783', otherData: 'foo'
} as IThing);
Well, this turned out to be a bit simpler than I thought it would be. just unsubscribe, and then do it again.
it('should return a thing from the API on the first call, and from cache on the 2nd call for the same data', () => {
const sub1 = service.getThing$('148e265b-b284-84b7-b8b3-441854f15783').subscribe((value: IThing) => {
id: '148e265b-b284-84b7-b8b3-441854f15783', otherData: 'foo'
} as IThing);
}, () => {
fail('The subscription to getThing$() has errored out!');
const req = httpMock.expectOne('http://our-api/thing/148e265b-b284-84b7-b8b3-441854f15783');
id: '148e265b-b284-84b7-b8b3-441854f15783', otherData: 'foo'
} as IThing);
//Ensure a 2nd call for the same ID does not make an HTTP call
const sub2 = service.getThing$('148e265b-b284-84b7-b8b3-441854f15783').subscribe((value: IThing) => {
id: '148e265b-b284-84b7-b8b3-441854f15783', otherData: 'foo'
} as IThing);
}, () => {
fail('The subscription to getThing$() has errored out!');
//Ensure a 3rd call for a DIFFERENT ID still makes an HTTP request for the new un-cached data
service.getThing$('111e2222-bbbb-8888-cccc-444455555777').subscribe((value: IThing) => {
id: '111e2222-bbbb-8888-cccc-444455555777', otherData: 'bar'
} as IThing);
}, () => {
fail('The subscription to getThing$() has errored out!');
const req3 = httpMock.expectOne('http://our-api/thing/111e2222-bbbb-8888-cccc-444455555777');
id: '111e2222-bbbb-8888-cccc-444455555777', otherData: 'bar'
} as IThing);