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TensorBoard log dir problem in Windows and semicolon

I dont know if it is a problem with TensorBoard itself or I am doing something wrong here... When I provide a path with log_dir, it looks like a semicolon is added at the end, and it is using forward slash when I am on Windows.

Here is my code:

timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S')
callbacks = keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir='log\\' + timestamp,
                                            histogram_freq=0, write_graph=True, write_images=False)

I tried to use Path from pathlib, but it does not work either.

timestamp = Path('%Y-%m-%d--%H:%M:%S'))
log_dir = 'Graph' / timestamp

The error looks like:

tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Failed to create a directory: log/2019-04-25-00:15:25; Invalid argument

Any ideas...?


Yes, if I print my timestamp it has no semicolon at the end.

Versions: Python: 3.6.7 Keras: 2.2.4 Tensorflow: 1.13.1


  • If you are using Windows OS, / \ : * ? " < > | this are the characters which are not allowed to create file name. Because of the colon (:) you are not able to create a folder.