Search code examples

swift/Alamofire/API token/ Missing required parameter: grant_type

I'm attempting to create TwitterSearcher.

My Conditions are

  • Using app-only authentication
  • standard search API
  • Using Alamofire, SwiftyJSON

As some of you know, you need to get a token in order to access Twitter before searching for tweets.

I'm pretty new to using API itself but I barely implemented some code. However, I came across an error response below on the way to get a token.

  "errors" : [
      "code" : 170,
      "label" : "forbidden_missing_parameter",
      "message" : "Missing required parameter: grant_type"

I have already tried some ways referring to other articles, let's say

  • changing param to ["payload" : "grant_type=client_credentials"]
  • eliminate "content_type" from Header

Although I haven't grabbed the meanings of these two, the error is still going on.

import Foundation
import Alamofire
import SwiftyJSON

protocol SearchUserApi {
    func getToken()
    func getTweets(content: String)

class APIOperator: SearchUserApi {
     var accessToken: String?
     let tokenApi = ""
     let api = ""
     let consumerKey = "---"
     let consumerSecret = "---"

    func getToken() {
        let credentials = "\(consumerKey):\(consumerSecret)".data(using: String.Encoding.utf8)!.base64EncodedString(options: NSData.Base64EncodingOptions(rawValue: 0))
        let headers = [
            "Authorization" : "Basic \(credentials)",
            "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"
        let params: [String : AnyObject] = ["grant_type": "client_credentials" as AnyObject]
            method: .post,
            parameters: params,
            encoding: JSONEncoding.default,
            headers: headers
            .responseJSON { (response) in
                guard let object = response.result.value else {
                    print("Getting token is failed")
                let json = JSON(object)
    func getTweets(content: String) {
       print("not yet")

Hope you will help me out.


  • You can try with URLEncoding.httpBody instead of JSONEncoding.default


    Alamofire directly support Basic auth

    see this

    Here is sample code from docs

    let user = "user"
    let password = "password"
    let credential = URLCredential(user: user, password: password, persistence: .forSession)
        .authenticate(usingCredential: credential)
        .responseJSON { response in

    and use authorizationHeader as request header in alamofire

    Hope it is helpful