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Unable utilize a methodname(from webservice)present in the form of a string.I tried utilizing getattr,but then not unable to extend it for suds

from suds.client import Client #@UnresolvedImport
from suds.transport.https import HttpAuthenticated #@UnresolvedImport
import urllib2

class methodinvokeclass():
    def methodinvokemethod(self,*args):

        print c
        response=c.service.method("90210")# I know this wont work,coz of method, but even I cant get me way thru with getattr

        print response

if __name__=="__main__":

        invokemethodname="LatLonListZipCode"#Webservice name which I want to invoke...later !

        f=open("C:\wsdllocation.txt",'r')# picks up the WSDL file location from the above file
        y=methodinvokeclass()#dummy object
        z=methodinvokeclass()#dummy object

        t = HttpAuthenticated(username='x', password='x')#helps me getting thru my corporate firewall
        t.handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler( me getting thru my corporate firewall
        t.urlopener = urllib2.build_opener(t.handler)#helps me getting thru my corporate firewall
        c = Client(url=webservwsdl,transport=t)#SUDs client !!!!!

        x=y.methodinvokemethod(z,invokemethodname,c)# invoking the code above


  • You can use getattr to retrieve the SOAP method from the service. Use this instead:

    impl = getattr(c.service, method)
    response = impl('90210')
    print response

    Here is a working example, using a webservicex test SOAP service:

    url = ''
    client = Client(url=url)
    name = 'GetQuote'
    impl = getattr(client.service, name)
    print impl('IBM')


        <AnnRange>116.00 - 167.72</AnnRange>
        <Name>International Bus</Name>