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Sending Encrypted Data Through Socket And Decrypting Doesn't Work

I am creating a simple encryption software. The problem I currently have is that sending encrypted aes file data through a socket doesn't work. At the receiving end, the file that should be written to is empty. I have looked through my code for a good while and can't see to solve it.

I have made a version without networking. I have been able to send a small file up to 8 KB on a different version

My Program Is Function Based So The Program Branches Off From The Main Menu To Other Menues And Functions. Since There is A Bit Of Jumping, It Would Be Best To Show All The Code.

The socket connects, and all required data is sent. Then, the file is AES encrypted and sent through the socket. The Receiving end writes encrypted data to a file and decrypts it. The program will say the file was sent but on the recieving end, the program spits out a struct error because the file that should have the encrypted data is empty.


  • The code is too non-minimal so here's a minimal example of downloading an unencrypted file. Also, TCP is a streaming protocol and using sleeps to separate your data is incorrect. Define a protocol for the byte stream instead. This is the protocol of my example:

    1. Open the connection.
    2. Send the UTF-8-encoded filename followed by a newline.
    3. Send the encoded file size in decimal followed by a newline.
    4. Send the file bytes.
    5. Close the connection.

    Note this is Python 3 code since Python 2 is obsolete and support has ended.

    from socket import *
    import os
    CHUNKSIZE = 1_000_000
    # Make a directory for the received files.
    sock = socket()
    with sock:
        while True:
            client,addr = sock.accept()
            # Use a socket.makefile() object to treat the socket as a file.
            # Then, readline() can be used to read the newline-terminated metadata.
            with client, client.makefile('rb') as clientfile:
                filename = clientfile.readline().strip().decode()
                length = int(clientfile.readline())
                print(f'Downloading {filename}:{length}...')
                path = os.path.join('Downloads',filename)
                # Read the data in chunks so it can handle large files.
                with open(path,'wb') as f:
                    while length:
                        chunk = min(length,CHUNKSIZE)
                        data =
                        if not data: break # socket closed
                        length -= len(data)
                if length != 0:
                    print('Invalid download.')

    from socket import *
    import os
    CHUNKSIZE = 1_000_000
    filename = input('File to upload: ')
    sock = socket()
    with sock,open(filename,'rb') as f:
        sock.sendall(filename.encode() + b'\n')
        sock.sendall(f'{os.path.getsize(filename)}'.encode() + b'\n')
        # Send the file in chunks so large files can be handled.
        while True:
            data =
            if not data: break