I need to retrieve more then one value from several XML-blocks inside a XML-file. How can I use xmllint to do this?
I noticed this solution (xml_grep get attribute from element) and tried to extend it. Unfortunately without any luck so far.
xmllint --xpath 'string(//identity/@name @placeofbirth @photo)' file.xml
Example XML file:
<middlenames>Marie J</middlenames>
Output wanted
Kasper, Sint-Truiden, base64-string
Jane, Paris, notavailable
One way to do that is
# Read xml into variable
xmlStr=$(cat test.xml)
# Count identity nodes
nodeCount=$(echo "$xmlStr" | xmllint --xpath "count(//identity)" -)
# Iterate the nodeset by index
for i in $(seq 1 $nodeCount);do
echo "$xmlStr" | xmllint --xpath "concat((//identity)[$i]/name,', ',(//identity)[$i]/placeofbirth, ', ', (//identity)[$i]/photo)" - ; echo
Menten, Sint-Truiden, base64-string
Herbal, Paris, notavailable