Trying to solve In_app_iff excersize from Logic chapter I came to this monstrosity:
(* Lemma used later *)
Lemma list_nil_app : forall (A : Type) (l : list A),
l ++ [] = l.
intros A l. induction l as [| n l' IHl'].
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite -> IHl'. reflexivity.
(** **** Exercise: 2 stars, standard (In_app_iff) *)
Lemma In_app_iff : forall A l l' (a:A),
In a (l++l') <-> In a l \/ In a l'.
intros A l l' a. split.
+ induction l as [| h t IHl].
++ (* l = [] *) destruct l' as [| h' t'].
+++ (* l' = [] *) simpl. intros H. exfalso. apply H.
+++ (* l' = h'::t' *) simpl. intros [H1 | H2].
* right. left. apply H1.
* right. right. apply H2.
++ (* l = h::t *) destruct l' as [| h' t'].
+++ (* l' = [] *) simpl. intros [H1 | H2].
* left. left. apply H1.
* left. right. rewrite list_nil_app in H2. apply H2.
+++ (* l' = h'::t' *) intros H. simpl in H. simpl. destruct H as [H1 | H2].
* left. left. apply H1.
* apply IHl in H2. destruct H2 as [H21 | H22].
** left. right. apply H21.
** simpl in H22. destruct H22 as [H221 | H222].
*** right. left. apply H221.
*** right. right. apply H222.
+ induction l as [| h t IHl].
++ (* l = [] *) simpl. intros [H1 | H2].
+++ exfalso. apply H1.
+++ apply H2.
++ (* l = h::t *) destruct l' as [| h' t'].
+++ simpl. intros [H1 | H2].
++++ rewrite list_nil_app. apply H1.
++++ exfalso. apply H2.
+++ simpl. intros [H1 | H2].
++++ destruct H1 as [H11 | H12].
+++++ left. apply H11.
Here is what I got at the end:
A : Type
h : A
t : list A
h' : A
t' : list A
a : A
IHl : In a t \/ In a (h' :: t') -> In a (t ++ h' :: t')
H12 : In a t
h = a \/ In a (t ++ h' :: t')
How can I get from H12
and IHl
the fact that In a (t ++ h' :: t')
Because H12 is in disjunction. And it's enough to infer the conclusion.
apply H12 in IHl.
doesn't work.
Please, help.
There are different ways to go about this.
Here the conclusion of IHl
is one of the clauses of the goal, so backward reasoning will work quite nicely.
right. (* We will prove the right hand side of the disjunct. *)
apply IHl.
apply H12.
Forward reasoning is also possible, though a bit more verbose. Use assert
to prove the assumption actually needed by IHl
assert (preIHl : In a t \/ In a (h' :: t')).
- ...
- apply IHl in preIHl.
apply preIHl.