Search code examples

How to push nodes from a Binary Tree into an Array?

I am struggling with pushing values from a Binary Search Tree into an array, but I also need them to be sorted. Here are the instructions of what is needed.

The toArray method should create and return an array containing every element in the tree in sorted order ("in order"). The capacity of this array should equal the number of elements it contains. This method should make use of the recursive private helper method toArray(BSTNode, List) to generate the array. This array will need be created as an array of Comparable objects and cast to an array of E objects. You can use Collection's toArray(E[]) method to help with the array generation.

Therefore here is my code I have so far:

 public E[] toArray()
        List<E> lista = new ArrayList<E>();
        toArray(root, lista);
        E[] good = (E[]) lista.toArray();
        return good;
    private void toArray(BSTNode<E> node, List<E> aList)
        if(node.left != null)

Here is the rest of the code for references, but I am more focused on the toArray methods more than anything. I can't figure out how to sort them into an array. Please help.

public class BinarySearchTree<E extends Comparable<E>>
private BSTNode<E> root; // root of overall tree
private int numElements;

// post: constructs an empty search tree
public BinarySearchTree()
    root = null;

// post: value added to tree so as to preserve binary search tree
public void add(E value)
    root = add(root, value);
// post: value added to tree so as to preserve binary search tree
private BSTNode<E> add(BSTNode<E> node, E value)
    if (node == null)
        node = new BSTNode<E>(value);
    else if ( > 0)
        node.left = add(node.left, value);
    else if ( < 0)
        node.right = add(node.right, value);
    return node;

// post: returns true if tree contains value, returns false otherwise
public boolean contains(E value)
    return contains(root, value);
// post: returns true if given tree contains value, returns false otherwise
private boolean contains(BSTNode<E> node, E value)
    if (node == null)
        return false;
        int compare = value.compareTo(;
        if (compare == 0)
            return true;
        else if (compare < 0)
            return contains(node.left, value);
            {   // compare > 0
            return contains(node.right, value);
    public void remove(E value)
        root = remove(root, value);
    private BSTNode<E> remove(BSTNode<E> node, E value)
        if(node == null)
            return null;
        else if( < 0)
            node.right = remove(node.right, value);
        else if( > 0)
            node.left = remove(node.left, value);
            if(node.right == null)
                return node.left;// no R child; replace w/ L
            else if(node.left == null)
                return node.right;   // no L child; replace w/ R
                // both children; replace w/ max from L
       = getMax(node.left);
                node.left = remove(node.left,;
        return node;
    private E getMax(BSTNode<E> node)
        if(node.right == null)
            return getMax(node.right);
    public void clear()
        root = null;
    public boolean isEmpty()
        if(numElements == 0)
            return true;
            return false;
    public int size()
        return numElements;
    //My toArray Methods will go here. 
    public Iterator<E> iterator()
        return new Iterator<>(root);
    public static class Iterator<E>
        private Stack<BSTNode<E>> stack;

        public Iterator(BSTNode<E> node)
            this.stack = new Stack<>();
            while (node != null)
                node = node.left;
        public boolean hasNext()
            return !stack.isEmpty();
        public E next()
            BSTNode<E> goodDays = stack.pop();
            E result =;
            if (goodDays.right != null)
                goodDays = goodDays.right;
                while (goodDays != null)
                    goodDays = goodDays.left;
            return result;
private static class BSTNode<E>
    public E data;
    public BSTNode<E> left;
    public BSTNode<E> right;

    public BSTNode(E data)
        this(data, null, null);
    public BSTNode(E data, BSTNode<E> left, BSTNode<E> right)
    { = data;
        this.left = left;
        this.right = right;


  • I figured it out. I will disclose the code and explain what's going on.

    In the public I make a List that will soon be an Array List. Then I call the toArray helper method (private) to set the values. Root for the top one and lista for the list it will go in. After make the Array and set the size with numElements. Comparable is in there since at the very top of my code, that's what it extends. Then put the that array into the lista. Finally return it.

     public E[] toArray()
            List<E> lista = new ArrayList<E>();
            toArray(root, lista);
            E[] arr = (E[]) new Comparable[numElements];
            return arr;

    In the private I do some recursion. As long as the node is not empty(null) then the array will search for left nodes continuously until it has no left (left) therefore add that into the array. Then adds the right ones.

     private void toArray(BSTNode<E> node, List<E> aList)
            if(node != null)
                toArray(node.left, aList);
                toArray(node.right, aList);

    Sorry if that was hard to understand, I'm not the best at explaining things, however this worked for me.